15 Must-Visit Spots for Landscape Photographers

Plus: Is Fujifilm Pro Enough? & More

"You don't take a photograph, you make it." — Ansel Adams

Good Day Friends,

I’ve been thinking about buying a new camera, which happens about every three years. I already have great cameras, but I want to try something new. Do you sometimes feel this way? My mind wrestles with cost versus desire. It’s a game we photographers play.

This blog post is a detailed exploration of the top 15 breathtaking locations every landscape photographer should visit, covering diverse terrains and natural wonders. TAKE A LOOK →

Explore if Fujifilm cameras are professional grade, covering their performance and features and whether they meet the needs of pro photographers and serious amateurs. TAKE A LOOK →

The perfect way to get comfortable with your electronic flash is to learn about the different parts, settings, and maintenance to keep it functioning correctly for years. This link will help you out. TAKE A LOOK →

This step-by-step guide teaches you two methods for changing a color range in Lightroom, including the Color Range tool and HSL/Color panel. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Canon’s new native lens, the RF 28-70mm F/2.8 IS STM, is a light, compact, and reasonably priced zoom option. Specifically, the new zoom lens might appeal to starting photographers who want something more robust than a Canon kit lens. TAKE A LOOK →

"I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation; I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges." — William Albert Allard

Tomorrow: A portable Canon printer for less than $150.00!

– Jeff