40 Splendid Examples of Candid Photography

Plus: 16 Best Photo Editing Apps for Photographers on the Go & More

“Don’t be afraid to take bad pictures because good pictures are the mistakes of bad pictures.” - Gueorgui Pinkhassov

Greetings Photogs,

It’s Monday, folks. Time to get productive and take more photos of our lives. Let’s get to it.

There are also tons of mobile photo editing apps that you can download to yield spectacular images. In this article, we’ve rounded up some of the best photo editing applications for your mobile phone or tablet. TAKE A LOOK →

Minimalist photography is all about creativity. You have to work with both negative and positive space carefully. Check it out! TAKE A LOOK →

You’re traveling and want the best pictures possible from this once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Perhaps you could use a little help? Then, this is your link. Put a photography instructor right inside your camera bag. For those on-the-spot questions that make the photo perfect. It’s that easy. TAKE A LOOK →

Some photography effects simply cannot be created in post-production. This is where glass filters come in. Initially, filters can be difficult to understand, especially neutral density (ND) and graduated ND filters. At this link, you can grab four free guides on glass filters. It will be well worth your time. TAKE A LOOK →​​

You will love this link if you love candid photos of people just being themselves. It is eye candy for the candid lover. TAKE A LOOK →

“I really believe in having projects that can’t be carried out or are so simple that anyone could work them out. I once made four spots on the map of Holland without knowing where they were. Then I found out how to get there, went to the place, and took a snapshot. Quite stupid. Anybody can do that.” - Jan Dibbets (I love this idea! Jeff)

Tomorrow: What is exposure compensation, and how to use it?

– Jeff


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