A Guide To Ethically Photographing Foxes In The Wild

Plus: Do You Have A New Camera & More

"To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having knowledge of them they can never have." — Susan Sontag

Greetings My Photo Friends,

It’s Friday, and I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend.

The Sound of Waves is a photographic expression of mourning, of the strength of life, and of the beat and spirit of punk rock in Tokyo, Japan. TAKE A LOOK →

To photograph foxes, first, you must take a step back. TAKE A LOOK →

If you have a new camera (perhaps a holiday gift) and want to learn to use it quickly and efficiently, this link is for you. TAKE A LOOK →

Almost all manual (non-autofocus) lenses will have depth-of-field scales imprinted on the lens barrel. What it is and how you use it are explained here. TAKE A LOOK →​​

An interview and images by multi-award-winning professional brand photographer Bex Maini. TAKE A LOOK →

"Photographers must navigate the fine line between documentation and exploitation." — Kent DuFault

Monday: This photographer captures incredible portraits that resemble the festivals and culture of India.

– Jeff