What Are The Best Current Mirrorless Cameras

Plus: A Guide On How To Survive In The Photo Industry & More

"The more you understand your camera, the less you think about it, and the more you can concentrate on seeing." – Michael Freeman

Hola Photogs,

Learning your camera is about building muscle memory so your fingers find the controls instinctively, freeing your mind to focus on the image. The better you know your camera the better photographer you will become.

Mirrorless cameras are constantly one-upping each other. As technology continually plays a game of leapfrog, choosing a camera isn’t easy. TAKE A LOOK →

The photography community stands at a crossroads. Many photographers resist chaotic challenges, ranging from stagnant media platforms to a need for jobs to the looming threat of AI. TAKE A LOOK →

Are you disenchanted with your landscape photography lately? Try this link to help you break out of the rut and get creative again. TAKE A LOOK →

Polish photographer Katarzyna Zaluzna has a unique artistic vision, and her stunning snail photography brings a delicate beauty to life.  TAKE A LOOK →​​

Discover tips for photographing the zodiacal light, including ideal camera settings, lens choices, and essential gear to capture this rare celestial phenomenon. TAKE A LOOK →

"When you learn your camera, you’re not just learning buttons and dials; you’re learning to see differently." - Rick Sammon

Tomorrow: Some things to love about the Google Pixel Pro 9.

– Jeff