The BEST Variable ND Filter On The Market

Plus: Rain Or Snow, This Photographer Is On The Go! & More

“Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.” – Duane Michals

Greetings Photo Friends,

Are you a gearhead type of photographer? Or do you lean more toward the aesthetic? Have you ever taken a fuzzy, out-of-focus picture on purpose? If not, you should give it a try. I spent an entire weekend taking nothing but out-of-focus photos. In that effort, I created enough artwork to produce a small photobook. Not bad for 48 hours of effort.

Suppose you’re looking for the perfect all-in-one solution to controlling light intensity within your scenes. In that case, these are the best variable ND filters for the job. TAKE A LOOK →

We’ve all witnessed the image of someone carrying a pile of things on their head while walking on a dusty road. This subject matter caught French photographer Floriane De Lassée’s eye in 2012 while working on an African project. She has since traveled to 14 countries in search of the ancient act of balancing weight atop the head. How much can one carry? The result is a collection of almost 70 photos of people from East Africa to Bolivia. They all share this common practice, whether moving goods to sell to the market or transporting household necessities from one place to another. The photos are astounding. A testament to human ingenuity and prowess. TAKE A LOOK →

Inclement weather creates a perfect storm for excellent photos. Seems like a contradiction, right? But here’s the deal. Nasty weather changes the light, making the same old scene suddenly become new and exciting. Try it out. You’ll be amazed. This page can give you bad-weather ideas while also getting you motivated! TAKE A LOOK →

As photographers, we are grateful for tools that can enhance our creativity and save us time on the technical details. In other words, if you’re interested in going as far as possible… beyond basic color correction, a new world of possibility is opening up. I am friends with a well-known photographer who specializes in on-location portraits. This photographer doesn’t even own any lighting gear. All of the lighting in her photos is created using post-production software. When I first found out about that, it blew my mind. This post will interest you (even if you don’t use Luminar Neo). TAKE A LOOK →​​

Boudoir photographer Jen Rozenbaum tells us, “This is a tough industry. We have to run a business AND be creative. It’s time-consuming, emotional, and at times lonely. These are the times to remember why you love photography.” She’s true to her word. Check out these stunning images from her portfolio. TAKE A LOOK →

“I go and get the camera and do it. Photography is a medium in which if you don’t do it then, very often, you don’t do it at all because it doesn’t happen twice.” – Paul Strand

Monday: How to choose your next mirrorless lens.

– Jeff