Have Camera, Will Travel

Plus: How To Calibrate Your Monitor For Accurate Colors & More

“You can always take a great photo – no matter what the conditions.” – Steve Davey

Hello Photographers,

Well. We’ve rounded the corner and entered a new year. What are we going to do with our photography? I know! Go on vacation and take pictures. Let’s get to it.

Ansel Adams wrote about visualization, which he defined as “the ability to anticipate a finished image before making the exposure.” Minor White later distinguished between what he called “pre-visualization,” or visualization before the negative is exposed. This post discusses what pre-visualization is and how to use it. TAKE A LOOK →

This photographer has dedicated fourteen years of her life to music and concert photography. What lenses does she use and why? Find out here. TAKE A LOOK →

When you’re ready to travel, there is no guarantee as to what the weather might be. With your camera on your side, you can be disappointed, or you can be ready. If you like to be ready, click this link. TAKE A LOOK →

Calibrating your monitor might seem like a daunting task. Still, with the right tools and a little patience, you can significantly improve your display’s appearance, giving you better control over your photos. Here’s a simplified guide to get you started. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Grab your coat, get outside, and head for a nearby lake or river for a spot of winter water photography! TAKE A LOOK →

“Travel and photography have always been intertwined. I think we have such a brief amount of time in this world that I can’t think of a better use than to travel, photograph the world, and experience life in different places. To me, there’s nothing more important than that.” – Steve McCurry

Tomorrow: Understanding different types of lighting in photography.

– Jeff