Cameras You Can Get For Under $500 That Take Better Photos Than Your Phone

Plus: You Never Know What People Will Be Willing To Pay For & More

"The best photographs are like well-told secrets, understood by the few who care to listen." - Fay Godwin

Greetings Photogs,

Leonard Freed said, "A true photograph needs no justification; it wins the heart without an argument." I like that!

Sony's flagship camera excels in speed and resolution! TAKE A LOOK →

There are some unusual and thought-provoking photographs in this group of winners. TAKE A LOOK →

At this link, you’ll find some excellent advice for mid-level photographers. Check it out! TAKE A LOOK →

What camera can you get for under five hundred bucks that will take better photos than your phone? Here’s the answer. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Taking your dog into nature and trying to get some great pictures of him or her is something many photographers have done. But they’ve probably turned the camera away when it’s time for the dog to do their business. But one company has taken the opposite approach by bringing out “Dogs Pooping In Beautiful Places 2025 Calendar.” The item is meant as a gag gift. TAKE A LOOK →

"The moment that dances on the edge of silence—that's where the award-winning photograph lives." - Trent Parke

Tomorrow: Redesigning photography with AI-enhanced metalenses.

– Jeff