This Canon Camera Earns A Five-Star Review

Plus: Learn The Fundamental Editing Steps From A Pro & More

“Seeing is believing, but photographs are more accessible.” – David Levi Strauss

Hello Friends,

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner. Do you have big plans? I hope so, and I hope you have your camera with you to document your special moments. After all, this event only comes around once a year; after it passes, it’s gone.

Five-star reviews are rare, and this Canon camera earns an A+ on every mark. Check it out. TAKE A LOOK →

Photojournalism is about telling a story in pictures. Words often accompany the pictures. Yet, a skilled photographer will produce visuals that work as a group for the article but also stand alone on their own. It’s a rewarding and challenging genre of photography. Check out this blog post for an example of photojournalism in action. TAKE A LOOK →

This info isn’t about changing the sky or removing your cousin’s ex-boyfriend from your wedding photos. This is a simple step-by-step process to bring your pictures to life just as you saw them. Click here for the skinny on this essential digital photography topic. TAKE A LOOK →

Imagine the look on someone’s face when you hand them a beautifully crafted fine art photo album created by you for them. Yes! It is dang rewarding. Start the journey here at this link. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Building Visions: 4 Free Guides on the Art of Photographing Architecture. Right here, curated just for you! TAKE A LOOK →

“They say seeing is believing, but the opposite is true. Believing is seeing.” – Errol Morris

Tomorrow: Seven steps to a quicker editing process in Lightroom.

– Jeff