How To Choose The Right Camera

Plus: Light in Your Shots With 1-Click! & More

“How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, “I could have done that!” - Anonymous

Greetings Photogs,

What did you think of that quoted photography joke? I think it’s funny because it is so true. But here’s the deal, my friend. You want to be the photographer that is changing the lightbulb!

Within the expansive realm of pure photography, light is an indispensable element. This fundamental force shapes the very essence of the art. At its core, photography is the craft of capturing and sculpting light. This curated list of ‘special’ photos presents lighting. TAKE A LOOK →

Dressing warmly while packing lightly? That seems like a contradiction. However, it is possible to do it without spending tons of money. TAKE A LOOK →

Tweaking presets for EACH situation is VERY IMPORTANT. Yes, you’ll get great results from simply clicking apply. But the real magic comes when you make your own tweaks to the sliders and settings. That’s how professionals use Lightroom presets. They tweak and make small, final changes to get the desired results for each shot. That’s how you can get your photos to really stand out! TAKE A LOOK →

Wildlife photography is a gratifying, creative, and relaxing activity unless you just missed the shot of a lifetime. However, while being outdoors is generally good for your health, some risks are involved. To help you return from your wildlife photo hunts healthy, happy, and alive, this author has written tips for a safe wildlife experience. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Selecting the ideal camera is more than just a matter of pointing and clicking. With the technological advancements that have inundated the market, the array of cameras available is mind-boggling. The choices seem almost limitless, from DSLRs and mirrorless options to compact point-and-shoots and advanced smartphone cameras. Add to this the camera jargon like aperture, ISO, or megapixels, and the task becomes significantly more challenging, especially for those new to the world of photography. Start here for a journey toward your next camera. TAKE A LOOK →

“Light meters read; photographers interpret.” - Catherine Jo Morgan

Tomorrow: Find out which variable ND filter is the best in class!

– Jeff