Our Connection With Nature

Plus: 5 Free Guides For Fantastic Pet Photography & More

“For a change, don’t add new things in your life as a new year’s resolution. Instead, do more of what’s already working for you and stop doing things that are time-waste.” – Salil Jha

Hello Photo Friends,

A funny story… “I’ve never had much luck with New Year’s resolutions. Last year, I only lasted three days before realizing I couldn’t survive without junk food. And the year before that, when my sister and I promised not to argue anymore, we didn’t even make it to the end of my dad’s New Year’s Eve party. I’ll spare you the gory details, but fruit punch and guacamole were involved.” I wonder if they got pictures? 

We love our pets. We love taking pictures of our pets. Click here to learn how to take better pet photos. TAKE A LOOK →

Whether you aim to check out the latest technology, connect with like-minded creators, or find clients to grow your business, attending a photography conference is not a bad idea. Here in the United States, you’ll find a ton of different photography conferences of all sizes. TAKE A LOOK →

If you feel that your color photography could use a little help so that you can impact every viewer with every image, this link is for you! TAKE A LOOK →

From stunning still-life shots to capturing the energy of a Michelin-starred restaurant, photographer/director Jim Sullivan’s skillful eye takes us through the kitchen and onto the plate. TAKE A LOOK →​​

The series consists of diptychs created by juxtaposing two photographs of natural elements found in my local environment. These elements generate a third image that combines the two pictures into a harmonious whole. This is a fascinating concept with super interesting photographs! TAKE A LOOK →

“New Year is a new morning, and a new morning is a new opportunity, and a new opportunity is a new path, and finally, a new path is a new richness!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

Tomorrow: Photos from the 2023 Northern Lights Photographer of the Year competition.

– Jeff