Different Types Of Lighting In Photography

Plus: Newborn Photography Tips For Charming Baby Photos & More

“Light is the most fundamental element. The quality and direction of light defines the subject, sets the mood, and dictates the entire feel of the photograph." – Arnold Newman

Greetings Friends,

Are you ready for a new week? How was your weekend? It was very rainy and stormy where I’m at. So, you know what I did? I went out and took pictures all weekend!

Each photographer needs to understand how light works to take the best photos. Lighting is the most important concept in photography. Once you know how lighting works, you can manipulate light and bend it to your will. TAKE A LOOK →

Welcoming a newborn into the family is one of the most cherished moments in any parent’s life. As time flies, those precious moments of the little one’s first few weeks can quickly become distant memories. This is where newborn photography comes into play. TAKE A LOOK →

Amazing photos come with a good storm! If you want some ideas on capturing stunning images before, during, or after a stormy weather event, this link is for you! TAKE A LOOK →

This photographer’s ability to capture the essence of nature in black and white is nothing short of mesmerizing. Enjoy! TAKE A LOOK →​​

Summer days call for taking photos on the beach! Make the most of this season with these lighting and posing tips for beach portraits. TAKE A LOOK →

"Light dances in front of my lens, each flicker a moment of truth. It is the poetry of existence." – David Alan Harvey

Tomorrow: Best lenses for night photography in 2024!

– Jeff