When All Else Fails...Let Your Camera Work Its Magic

Plus: Beginner’s Guide To Large Format Photography & More

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." — Pablo Picasso

Hola Photogs,

It’s Humpday! Have you created anything this week with your camera? I hope so. Creativity stimulates the brain, and we could all use a little more of it.

If you crave trying something truly challenging in photography, read this post. TAKE A LOOK →

Getting onto the ice during a pro hockey game isn’t for the faint of heart, and this guy did it while carrying a pro video camera. The resulting images went viral. TAKE A LOOK →

Yes, you can take pro-level pictures with your smartphone. Start here. TAKE A LOOK →

You’ll hear a lot of chatter about using the back focus button on a camera. But how do you do it, and why should you care? The info is right here. TAKE A LOOK →​​

I’ve owned several pinhole cameras, and they are a lot of fun. This looks like a great product, and it's a perfect gift for the budding photographer. TAKE A LOOK →

“Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it's not random." — Ken Robinson.

Tomorrow: Best SD to compact flash adapter (+ what to avoid).

– Jeff