Generations In Profile: Print A Family Portrait To Treasure

Plus:​ Using Shadows For Dimension​ & More

“All the arts are based on the presence of man; only photography derives an advantage from his absence.” – Andre Bazin

Hola Photogs,

Photography works so simply and particularly so quickly that some people believe it cannot be of great value. Well, is a doctor worthless when he can achieve what he wants with one cut of the scalpel? Or, are Chinese drawings done in a few minutes not good because they were completed in a short time? I think that’s all that needs to be said.

If you want something to look interesting, don’t light all of it. Shadows give your images dimension and mystery. TAKE A LOOK →

Shallow depth of field and the resulting bokeh help to make your subject stand out. TAKE A LOOK →

With a few tips and tricks under your sleeve, you can produce portraits that your family and friends will treasure forever. Start here! TAKE A LOOK →

Superb documentary photography and environmental portraits. Don’t miss out on seeing this amazing work! TAKE A LOOK → 

A step-by-step guide on how to produce and print a generational portrait that any family would love. TAKE A LOOK →

“I don’t want a picture to look like something it isn’t. I want it to look like something it is.” – Robert Rauschenberg

Tomorrow: Is it safe to photograph from a kayak?

– Jeff


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