Great B&W Photos Start Beyond The Camera

Plus: Still Life Photography Mistakes & More

“To see in color is a delight for the eye, but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul.” — Andri Cauldwell

Greetings Photo Friends,

How did your summer go? Catch any black-and-white photos. How about images of your kids, grandkids, or pets? Black-and-white photography is the perfect medium for interesting portraits of your adorable family! And if you want to edit on the fly, check out these fantastic portable monitors by Expresso!

Light! The photographer’s magic word. We hear about light in photo Internet groups. We talk about light with our photography friends. Perhaps we even recognize that there are different types of light. However, if you’re ready to take that next step to become a confident photographer, you must understand light, and this article will help you get started. TAKE A LOOK →

In the age of portable technology, having a reliable, high-quality external monitor can significantly enhance productivity and creative work. The Espresso Displays Espresso 17 Pro is a prime example! TAKE A LOOK →

What I am saying is that you can have a great photograph of one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, like that waterfall above… And if you don’t know, (find out at this link!). TAKE A LOOK →

Do you need help to capture stunning still-life photos? You’ve come to the right place. This article shares the six biggest still-life photography mistakes and explains how to correct them so that you can get outstanding results no matter your level of experience. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Great video from Terry White at today – he’s incredible at this stuff! TAKE A LOOK →

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls.” — Ted Grant

Tomorrow: Ring light vs. Softbox | Which one is right for you?

– Jeff