Great Photos And More

Plus: Bird Photography Tips And Techniques & More

“A better camera won’t do a thing for you if you don’t have anything in your head or in your heart.” - Arnold Newman

Hola Photogs,

“Through this bright world, the photographer walks like a zombie, blind unless a camera is strapped around his neck. The one time he appears without it is when he visits the clearing at night and discovers the corpse there. His immediate reaction is to run home for his camera. Only in a photograph does reality become meaningful for him.” – An excerpt from the movie, “Blow Up.”

Master Photographer Greg Sullavan has dedicated his life to travel and nature photography. Here, he shares his professional bird photography tips, revealing everything from his recommended camera gear and settings to his techniques to get the most out of every shoot. TAKE A LOOK →

Photography is more than just capturing images; it’s about painting with light. Whether using a smartphone or a professional camera, understanding and manipulating light is a fundamental skill for any photographer. Today, we’ll explore the world of lighting in photography, breaking it down into easy-to-understand sections to help you embark on your photographic journey. TAKE A LOOK →

Believe it or not, you can light like a pro. Check out this resource guide that sets you on the right path to lighting success. TAKE A LOOK →

The world is a rich tapestry of colors, stretching from the lush green of the grass beneath our feet to the endless expanse of the blue sky above. Our reality is far from a mere dichotomy of black and white. Can you fathom a world stripped of its vibrant hues? No. Then don’t miss this link. TAKE A LOOK →​​

From ancient cave paintings to today’s digital age, storytelling has served as the universal language of humanity, binding cultures and transcending generations. In this age of visual communication, photography is a powerful medium to continue this tradition. Check out these inspirational examples of a story told through the camera lens. TAKE A LOOK →

“I only use a camera like I use a toothbrush. It does the job.” - Don McCullin

Tomorrow: Landscape composition - one idea to rule them all.

– Jeff