What Happens To The Light Entering The Camera When You Stop Down?

Plus: 36 Tutorials Full Of Tips For Creating Amazing Architecture Photos & More

“Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.” – Peter Adams

Hola Photo Friends,

I thought I would toss a question at you in the subject line and see if you could figure it out without looking it up. How’d you do?

Bioluminescence is one of the most beautiful displays of light from the natural world that you can witness. When disturbed, the iridescent blue light emitted from the algae is mesmerizing and almost otherworldly. It should be on every photographer’s bucket list. TAKE A LOOK →

Want to improve your architectural photography technique? Here are 36 tutorials full of tips on improving your architecture photography skills. TAKE A LOOK →

Virtually every fantastic photograph you’ve seen since the early 2000s got that way because of masking. In digital photography, masking is right up there, with lighting in the ‘order of importance list’ that we should all consider. TAKE A LOOK →

Fuji film simulations offer a fun and easy way to try something new. This week, you can check out the Kodak Gold 200 simulation. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Have you got a hankering for some food photography? You do?! Well, click this link and get started. TAKE A LOOK →

“I began to realize that by carefully selecting the depth of field and making it narrow, I could create a sense of movement and reality that was, in fact, not there.” – David Levinthal

Tomorrow: Discover the rugged beauty of Iceland.

– Jeff