Insider Tricks On How To Capture Perfect Landscape Photos

Plus: Landscape Photography Composition: 17 Expert Tips & More

“Actually, it’s nature itself that creates the most beautiful pictures; I’m only choosing the perspective.” - Katja Michael

Good Day, Photographers,

Today is Landscape Photography Day! There is something for everyone in this set of links. Enjoy, and get out there taking pictures.

So, let’s get right down to it. I’d like to propose the following idea: saturate the composition with the most interesting parts of your subjects. Sounds simple enough. But is it really? Find out here. TAKE A LOOK →

If you’ve ever stood in front of a stunning vista, camera in hand, and wondered how to capture its grandeur, you’re not alone. Every excellent landscape image includes a great composition, but understanding what composition is, what it does, and how to use it to improve your scenic shots can be intensely daunting. TAKE A LOOK →

Lightroom Presets that were custom-crafted for landscape shots! Simple solution toward better results. TAKE A LOOK →

“I’m most productive when I simply show up and allow the light and landscape to guide me,” says US-based hobbyist photographer Tara Workman. She finds that locating abstract sections within the scenes around her allows her to showcase her sense of mystery and drama. Find out more right here! TAKE A LOOK →​​

Landscape photography is much more than snapping pictures of your vacation. It’s about transforming the essence of a place into a photographic vision that invokes the same emotions as being there. Easy to say and not so easy to do. Let’s learn how together! TAKE A LOOK →

“To me, it is better to ‘guess’ at how something works, experiment, fail, guess again, fail, and keep repeating that process over and over again until you either figure it out or you discover a multiplicity of other cool tricks along the way.” – Trey Ratcliff

Tomorrow: A review of the affordable Viltrox AF 20mm f/2.8 lens.

– Jeff