The Irresistible Charm of Landscape Photography

Plus: The Essential Guide to Exhibiting Your Photography & More

“Learning to see artistically is not so much about opening your eyes as it is about opening your mind to the myriad of possibilities that lie before you." – Robert Frank

Hello Friends,

To see artistically means to see beyond the surface, to perceive the poetry in the mundane, and to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. Are you up for it?

For many photographers, it begins with a mentor. My mentor was a schoolteacher. This blog poster’s mentor was his father. How special is that? It’s a heartwarming story. Check it out! TAKE A LOOK →

Dive into the review of this new light projection gear and see what it can do for you. TAKE A LOOK →

Landscape photography is a thrilling pursuit that marries nature's raw beauty with the photographer's artistry. It's a genre that invites adventurers and dreamers alike to capture the essence of the earth's splendor. You can become a capable and amazing landscape photographer. Start here at this link! TAKE A LOOK →

Five Great Street Photographers To Inspire You. TAKE A LOOK →​​

There is nothing like displaying your photos on a wall for everyone to see, admire, and appreciate. Even better is seeing those little round red stickers underneath the prints to indicate that the work has been sold. Find out how right here. TAKE A LOOK →

“Artistic seeing is about sensitivity, about being open to being moved, touched, and inspired by the world around us." – Dorothea Lange

Monday: How to select multiple images in Lightroom.

– Jeff


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