Leading Lines In Photography: A Complete Guide

Plus: Advanced Composition Is The Next Step & More

“There is one thing the photograph must contain: the humanity of the moment.” — Robert Frank

Hello Friends,

How was your weekend? It was gorgeous weather in my neck of the woods. Autumn is stretching out into December, which always makes me very happy. The leaves are gone from the trees, though. So, my photography was geared more toward the lonely, desolate landscape. Do you know what loneliness and desolation stand for in this description? They are emotions drawn out from the circumstances of the scene. I often think about that before clicking the shutter. What emotions am I sharing in this photo? When you give something purposeful, your viewer gets something meaningful. Food for thought!

Global shutter? What’s that? Specifically, we’re talking about an electronic shutter, not a mechanical one. But there’s more to it than that. Check it out in this blog post. This is likely the future of digital cameras. TAKE A LOOK →

Photographers use lines to create visual interest with patterns, rhythm, and flow. Lines draw attention to things. Learning to see and use lines in your compositions is a big step from “taking pictures” to “making photographs.” One of the most important lines in photography is the leading line. TAKE A LOOK →

We’ve all heard the tired old marketing line, “Take your work to the next level.” There is only one way to rise above the sea of competition. And that one way is composition. When you’re ready to go beyond what everyone else is doing, click this link and explore advanced composition. You won’t be disappointed. TAKE A LOOK →

The author has used glass filters for his landscape photography for over ten years. And for the last five, he has exclusively used filters made by Kase. I recently switched my filter system to what I think is the perfect filter kit for landscape and architecture photography. In this article, you’ll find a detailed review of it. You may be wondering why. Read this post, and you’ll discover that not all filters are created equal. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Photographer Wim Denijs is compassionate when it comes to showing the beauty of nature. He has an urge to share his emotions through imaging. He is also concerned about global warming and tries to state that modestly through his photography. He shares all the beauty of the landscape that is worth fighting for. He considers his camera a replacement for his eyes. Follow me through his extraordinary portfolio and learn more about this fine photographer. TAKE A LOOK →

“Every artist-photographer has a central story to tell, and the difficulty, the impossible task, is trying to present that story in pictures.” — Gregory Crewdson

Tomorrow: Stop pixel peeping and start printing: how to plan your first photo book!

– Jeff