Learn, Try, Fail, Succeed- Congratulations, You’re a Photographer

Plus: Electronic Shutter vs. Mechanical Shutter: Differences Explained & More

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn

Hola Photographers,

Energy and persistence conquer all things. Benjamin Franklin said that which is a quote I can relate to. I wanted to become a professional photographer at a very early age. But I came from an almost poverty-level family that had no interest in anything artistic, which meant no support. It took me a good ten years of following Franklin’s advice before my life goal came true. It can be for you as well. Figure out what you want to do and focus.

Way too many photographers don’t understand exposure compensation and what it is used for. I’ve even had some folks question me how to use it in Manual Mode. Doi! Get the scoop here so you are in the know. TAKE A LOOK →

One of the questions often asked by readers is, what’s the difference between an electronic shutter and a mechanical shutter in a camera? Click here and find out! TAKE A LOOK →

A post-production plan is imperative. Click this link and find out how to set one up for yourself. TAKE A LOOK →

This link could also be titled “Have Radial Filter Will Edit Anything.” Seriously though, it’s a great tutorial that will likely save some of your images. TAKE A LOOK →​​

One of the surest ways to impress photography clients is to create dynamic images for them using flash photography. When your clients realize your ability to visualize and capture different scenes uniquely, the experience will transform them from clients into fans. If you’re unfamiliar with flash photography, fear not. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite dynamic lighting setups for portrait photography that you can use immediately and for any situation. TAKE A LOOK →

“A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.” – Charles Schwab

Tomorrow: How to photograph crashing waves.

– Jeff


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