Mastering Ambient Lighting: Essential Tips for Photographers

Plus: Electronic Flash Fun & More

"Photographs are believed more than words; thus, they can be used persuasively to show people who have never taken the trouble to look what is there." - Eliot Porter

Good Morning, Friends,

This has always been one of my favorite quotes about photography- “Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” That message was from George Eastman, the founder of Kodak. What is a favorite piece of photographic advice you carry in your head?

Ambient light is the light that generally lights the space in which you are shooting. This could be any number of things, from a streetlight to an LED billboard to the sun. How do you use it when it’s already there at your location? TAKE A LOOK →

Discover the performance and versatility of the Nikon 40mm f/2 lens in our comprehensive review, covering image quality, build, and real-world usage. TAKE A LOOK →

Do you find the components and settings of your electronic flash confusing? Would you like to get creative with your flash unit but aren’t sure where to start? If so, this link is for you. TAKE A LOOK →

Explore the intriguing comparison between 35mm film resolution and digital imaging, uncovering each format's unique qualities and capabilities. TAKE A LOOK →​​

If you love quick, creative solutions, then consider these presets. TAKE A LOOK →

"What’s really important is to simplify. The work of most photographers would be improved immensely if they could do one thing: get rid of the extraneous." - William Albert Allard​

Tomorrow: Super telephoto lenses for landscapes: thinking outside the box!

– Jeff