Essential Tips To Master Your First Fuji Camera: Expert Advice For New Users

Plus: Wedding Poses | 10 Basic Poses For Wedding Photographers & More

“You don’t take a photograph; you make it." – Ansel Adams

Adios My Friends,

It’s the weekend! We’ll see you on Monday. I hope your next two days are filled with joy, promise, and fantastic photos!

This guide will provide valuable insight and tips for new Fuji camera users on operating their cameras. TAKE A LOOK →

Leica’s M-series cameras have stayed very similar throughout their illustrious history, even as technology has shifted from analog to digital. But which kind of camera feels better? Photographer Markus Hofstaetter aims to find out. TAKE A LOOK →

This link leads to a resource kit for portrait photography. If you need help getting started in this genre, you will discover this is the best route. TAKE A LOOK →

Something fun and different. Can you solve it? TAKE A LOOK →​​

The article presents these as wedding poses, but realistically, they would be helpful in any portrait work with two people. TAKE A LOOK →

"Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow." - Imogen Cunningham

Monday: Best Canon prime lenses for beginners and pros.

– Jeff