New To Still Life Photography?

Plus: How To Paint With Light And Create Gorgeous Photos! & More

“Every photo artist undresses his subject, whether human or still life. It is their desire to find an essence in every surface. - Richard Corliss

Hola Photo Fanatics!

Boy, I love this time of the year. With the holidays right around the corner, there is so much to photograph right in our own homes. Challenging stuff! So clean up those camera lenses and show me what you got!

Photographers aren’t easy people to shop for… and it doesn’t help that most “gift guides” online are generic, copy-paste articles written by non-photographers. Today, we want to fix that problem with a list of genuinely helpful gift ideas for the photographer in your life. TAKE A LOOK →

If you’ve never tried this, you should. It’s a lot of fun. Painting with light is an art form. It can be used to create dynamic, bright, and stunning images. To achieve those results, it’s essential to use the correct camera settings and techniques. Learn how in this blog post. TAKE A LOOK →

Are you tired of the frustration caused by your electronic flash? The information at this link covers just about every question you might have regarding portable electronic flash. It even gives tips on maintenance and repair. TAKE A LOOK →

The Z9 is Nikon’s first flagship mirrorless camera, and it is a beast! Should you get one? Check out this blog post and decide for yourself. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Still life photography seems like it should be simple, yet it can be incredibly challenging. Practicing still life is an excellent way to learn about composition, managing light, creating a mood, telling a story, and evoking emotions with your camera and all right in the comfort of your home. Looking for photo ideas for the upcoming weekend? Look no further. TAKE A LOOK →

“Holidays are about creating cherished memories with loved ones and finding magic in the simplest moments.” – Jeremiah Say

Tomorrow: Photos that prove the importance of light in photography.

– Jeff