Are Photo Contests Worth Your Time And Money

Plus: 5 Easy Family Photo Poses & More

“Photography is a language. To communicate, you need to learn the language. The history of photography is like the vocabulary, and influence is like a dialect. One shouldn’t be embarrassed about having an accent.” – Alec Soth

Happy Monday, Friends,

Gosh! July is almost over. Better get the cameras clicking!

Photographing food is always fun. We love food, and we love to eat—why not take pictures of it? TAKE A LOOK →

Photo contests are everywhere these days, and they often come with promises of glory and popularity, not to mention plenty of eye-catching prizes. But are they worth your time? As a beginner, a hobbyist, or a professional photographer, should you put in the time and effort needed to enter photography competitions? TAKE A LOOK →

Snap Cards are a proven helpful tool for all photographers. Check it out. TAKE A LOOK →

Horizontal lines, whether they appear as horizons, outstretched arms, roads, or sidewalks, are powerful tools in the hands of a photographer – and while you don’t need to use them in every shot, the inclusion of horizontal lines can go a long way toward enhancing your images. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Great family photographers understand the impact of posing on family portraits. They masterfully use body language and cues to elicit emotive expressions. These ideas are relatively easy to implement, and you can start taking fabulous family portraiture today! TAKE A LOOK →

“The thing that influences me the most is my own pictures.” – Roger Ballen

Tomorrow: B&W photography: shoot directly or transform in post-production?

– Jeff