A Photograph Is A Secret

Plus: How to Get Sharp Photos With A Tripod & More

"To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event." – Henri Cartier-Bresson

Greetings Photogs,

Do you think that photographs tell secrets? Perhaps revealing them by stopping motion in a world that is constantly moving. I do. Every image reveals a secret of some type.

I’m happy to share that tripods are great for keeping your files crisp, but that comes with a big caveat: Placing your camera on a tripod and firing off normal shots will not yield sharp images. Instead, you must carefully adjust your tripod, settings, and accessories to maximize sharpness, as discussed in this article. TAKE A LOOK →

If you’ve ever looked at your shutter speed range, you’ll see that the speeds go down to full seconds before eventually going to the Bulb setting (which is sometimes a separate mode on your mode dial marked by ‘B’). It’s these longer shutter speeds that allow us to achieve long exposures. But what is long-exposure photography, and when would you use it? Find out here. TAKE A LOOK →

Do you fully understand how color can affect your photographs? Do you wonder why some photographs make you feel incredibly emotional? Or perhaps why a particular photograph fills you with a profound and indescribable happiness? Using color with intent is a fine line, and when crossed, your color images just look amateurish. Check out this link for guidance on using color to maximize your photos! TAKE A LOOK →

David Orias, a renowned photographer known for his mesmerizing seascapes, has once again captivated audiences with his latest series featuring the golden and iridescent waves of the Pacific Ocean. TAKE A LOOK →​​

If you haven’t tried the Affinity Photo processing suite… now is the time! TAKE A LOOK →

"Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real." – Ansel Adams

Tomorrow: Full frame vs crop sensor cameras - find the right fit for your photography.

– Jeff