Photographers, You Have 7 Days of Unlimited Possibilities

Plus: This Tone Curve Trick Adds Depth to Your Photos & More

“Action is the foundational key to all success." - Pablo Picasso

Hola Photogs,

I want to leave you this fine day with a bit of motivation from Author Stephen King. “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work." Let’s get to it!

Multiple award-winning production company Little Monster Films’ “Photographer” series will enthrall viewers with the sense of adventure that encapsulates National Geographic photography. With each episode, the viewer will join renowned photographers on their journeys toward a specific event and their process toward capturing the shot. TAKE A LOOK →

Whether you shoot people, plants, peaks, pets, or anything else under the sun, adding more depth to your photos certainly wouldn’t hurt. While you’ll never be able to turn your two-dimensional photographs into three-dimensional works of art, adding a little more depth to your images can help your image have a little more impact, throwing your viewers right into the scene. By using the tone curve trick in this article, you can add depth to your photos. TAKE A LOOK →

This Photography Basics Resource Kit Will Give you hundreds of quick photo lessons, unlimited shooting ideas, and endless creative inspiration! Plus, it is the first of three kits, so you can grow and move on to the others if you wish! TAKE A LOOK →

Mastering white balance is a challenge for every photographer, from understanding the basics to choosing the perfect setting amidst a sea of options like Daylight and Tungsten. Enter Auto White Balance (AWB) – a tempting shortcut that promises to adjust your scene's white balance automatically. But is AWB truly reliable in the field, or is manual tweaking worth the extra effort? This article dives into the world of AWB, exploring its pros and cons and offering advice on when to rely on it and when to steer clear. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Spring breathes new life into photography, offering endless subjects from outdoor portraits to macro wonders and playful baby animals. But if the winter chill has left your creativity frozen, or you're just starting to explore your camera's potential, finding that spark of inspiration can be tough. Fear not—this article is your springboard to exciting spring photography ideas, ready to thaw your creativity and get you back out there, camera in hand! TAKE A LOOK →

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney

Tomorrow: Flash Mastery: five must-know tips for aspiring photographers.

– Jeff


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