Photography Is An Emotional Thing

Plus: 5 Things A New Photographer Should Know When Printing & More

“I don’t care about making photography an art. I want to make good photographs. I’d like to know who first got it into his head that dreaminess and mist is an art. Take things as they are; take good photographs, and the art will take care of itself.” – Edward Steichen

Hola Photogs,

What are your thoughts about photography as art? Do you see painting and photography as equal, or are they completely different and separate? Food for thought. Enjoy the newsletter.

A print is self-worth. It’s a statement you’re putting on an image you’ve created to make it manifest into something tangible and real. There is no more incredible feeling than holding that print in your hands- that came from your mind. TAKE A LOOK →

What separates an ordinary poster from one that genuinely captivates? The answer lies in the art of crafting captivating poster photos. In this guide, we will explore the key elements and techniques to help you create visually striking poster photos that leave a lasting impact. TAKE A LOOK →

If you are a person who likes to have it all. This is your link, baby! TAKE A LOOK →

A little how-to article on using dodging and burning in post-production. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Most modern digital cameras are equipped with advanced autofocus systems that are often hard to understand. Whether you are shooting with an entry-level or professional camera, knowing how to use the autofocus system effectively is essential to getting sharp images. TAKE A LOOK →

“Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that thing looks photographed.” – Garry Winogrand

Tomorrow: How to clean a tripod.

– Jeff