Photography In A Powerful And Meaningful Way

Plus: Preserving The World’s Beauty Through Photography & More

“I seek to reveal the landscape in something other than purely visual terms, the photograph transcribing it as an archetypal space of destruction and ruin that mirrors the darker corners of our consciousness.” – David Maisel

Hello Friends,

Are you ready to take on a new week? It’s hard to believe that we are already approaching the end of the year's first quarter! How many stellar photos have you added to your portfolio so far this year? I hope you’re keeping that camera busy.

Aga began her professional career in Thailand as a fight photographer, where she developed a passion for Muay Thai. Later, she moved to Indonesia and South Africa for new experiences. Aga works with different NGOs and as an independent contributor, aiming to capture the essence of the people Aga photographs in a powerful and meaningful way. She actively supports human rights movements, environmental protection, and conservation efforts; her photographs reflect this. TAKE A LOOK →

Musical instruments are highly designed and beautiful objects to be admired. Perhaps you’ve thought about photographing them? Here are forty-five images of musical instruments that can inspire you. TAKE A LOOK →

If watching videos or reading books isn’t your thing, then you need to check this out. It’s the absolute best way to learn photography! TAKE A LOOK →

Understanding the basics is key to unlocking your creative potential, whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your skills. Today, we’ll delve into the art of composition, where the way you arrange elements within your frame can make or break your shot. We’ll also look at the magic of lighting, showing you how to harness its transformative power to capture stunning images. And finally, we’ll explore the often-overlooked aspect of white balance, a fundamental concept that can significantly impact the mood and quality of your photographs. TAKE A LOOK →​​

One photographer’s journey to preserve the world’s beauty with her camera.TAKE A LOOK →

“This is the gift of the landscape photograph, that the heart finds a place to stand.” – Emmit Gowin

Tomorrow: Gaffer tape: everything you need to know!

– Jeff


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