Photography As The Ultimate Art Form

Plus: Create Portraits That Were Inspired By The Masters & More

“When subject matter is forced to fit into preconceived patterns, there can be no freshness of vision. Following rules of composition can only lead to a tedious repetition of pictorial clichés.” – Edward Weston

Good Morning, Photographers,

The act of creating art through photography allows us to explore and understand our world and ourselves in more profound, more meaningful ways. It connects us with others, crossing boundaries and speaking universal languages of emotion and beauty. Embrace the camera as your paintbrush. Let’s get to it!

Discover the Easy Way to Open JPG Files Everywhere! Get insider tips and the best software picks for smooth access on any device. TAKE A LOOK →

Master the technique of calculating a lens's focal length with our easy-to-follow guide, which is essential for choosing the right lens for your photography needs. TAKE A LOOK →

If you’ve found yourself unhappy with the results you’re getting from your digital camera and you’re not sure how to implement fundamental editing to your advantage, then this link is perfect for you. TAKE A LOOK →

Text goes here. Then be sure to add a link to the image above and change the Please don’t do this. This man is lucky to be alive. See what happened right here at this link. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Numerous masters throughout history have shaped portrait photography. Whichever photographer’s work you fancy, there is something to be learned from all, and this article will break it down for you. TAKE A LOOK →

“You think you photograph a particular scene for the pleasure it gives. In fact, it’s the scene that wants to be photographed. You’re merely an extra in the production.” – Jean Baudrillard

Tomorrow: How and why making mood boards is a fabulous idea.

– Jeff


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