More Pictures – More Fun

Plus: How To Use The Color Orange In Photography & More

“There are no bad pictures; that’s just how your face looks sometimes.” – Abraham Lincoln

Hola Photographers,

I don’t know about you, but I want to have fun today.

If you love the ocean, then you will love this link! TAKE A LOOK →

Instagram Reels are short, engaging videos that can be up to 60 seconds long. They are an excellent way for photographers and art galleries to showcase their work and reach a wider audience. TAKE A LOOK →

Do you know what a camera is? Of course, you do! Do you know what a camera lens is? Of course, you do! Do you know how the Fibonacci Sequence affects photos? Awe… I got you on that one, didn’t I? Photographic composition, my friends. It’s the secret sauce that makes your photos uniquely yours. Learn all about it right here. TAKE A LOOK →

Millions of photographers rely on Lightroom to catalog and edit their photos daily, turning files from their cameras into works of art. Lightroom was initially released in 2007, and over the last 16 years, the software has seen significant improvements. For years, photographers looking for quality noise reduction had to look further into Lightroom plugins and additional software. However, earlier in 2023, Lightroom released its brand-new AI-driven noise reduction feature. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Although you may not know it, we often are attracted by one color more than others. Our homes and wardrobes tend to include more items in one color or group of colors. We consider the local colors when choosing vacation destinations (e.g., turquoise for a near-water destination, green for mountains, yellow for the desert, etc.) and base our shopping preferences on the packaging color. We do all these unconsciously because colors operate at a deep inner level — the level of emotions. They make us feel in a certain way, and we often take them for granted. TAKE A LOOK →

“My life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe, and my camera is my passport.” – Steve McCurry

Tomorrow: Bioluminescent photography tips!

– Jeff