Powerful Images: Secrets Unveiled + More

Plus: Master the Art of Framing & More

“There is one thing the photo must contain – the humanity of the moment.” – Robert Frank

Hello Photographers,

What distinguishes a good photograph from a great one? Is it the subject, the composition, the play of light and shadow, or something more intangible? As a photographer, do you find yourself searching for specific elements that enhance the visual appeal and ensure the image resonates with its viewers? It's a fascinating consideration – the recipe for photographic excellence. Take a moment to reflect on these questions; the answers could redefine how you capture the world through your lens. Something to ponder, indeed.

A constructive criticism of the world’s most expensive photograph, "Violin" by Man Ray. TAKE A LOOK →

You’re shooting intending to render your creative vision. That’s why many different methods are used to make your desired images. One variable is the lens. Tamron’s lenses, like the 17-28mm f2.8, are perfect for landscapes. They’re affordable, lightweight, durable, reliable, and output your desired image quality. TAKE A LOOK →

This photographer is known worldwide for his powerful images. He uses various techniques that elevate his work above most other photographers. Check it out. You’ll be blown away. TAKE A LOOK →

There’s nothing like going through the experience of framing your first artwork. That said, figuring out what materials to choose and how to optimally do it can be confusing. Look at the tips in this link to help you out. TAKE A LOOK →​​

One of the nifty benefits of technology is that we live in a world where products can be updated or upgraded after buying them. This also extends to cameras, and it benefits photographers because new firmware can enhance a camera's performance and extend its lifecycle beyond original expectations. But do the manufacturers owe us this benefit? TAKE A LOOK →

“In the world of photography, you get to share a captured moment with other people.” – James Wilson

Tomorrow: Beautiful photos of North American birds.

– Jeff


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