Seven Clicks To Done (Lightroom Before And After Step-by-Step)

Plus: Best Canon Lenses For Beginners In 2024: Top Picks for New Photographers & More

“There’s nothing more interesting than the landscape of the human face” - Irvin Kershner

Hola Photogs!

Are you ready for the weekend? Did you perhaps get some new photography toys for Christmas? I hope so! This weekend is a perfect moment to try out new gear and techniques. Good luck, have fun, and get creating!

This is just a quickie, but it shows how a little AI in Lightroom speeds up the editing process. TAKE A LOOK →

Every superhero has a utility belt. We often think of photographers, especially photojournalists, as heroes in their own right. The author of this blog post asked a handful of photographers about their go-to gear to get the job done right. I’m also curious about the equipment and tools these creatives might acquire for the new year. How about you? Let’s check in for some answers. TAKE A LOOK →

Creating “bokeh,” or softly blurred backgrounds, doesn’t seem like it should be all that hard. Likely, you have some bits and pieces of the knowledge already rolling around in your head regarding this technique. Check out this link for more concise information on how to put the bokeh into your photo work! TAKE A LOOK →

I love spending time in the forest and taking photos. Ironically, I’m not that good at woodland photography, and I can’t seem to improve much. If you feel the same way, Nigel Danson has a perfect video for you. He explores the complexities and allure of autumn woodland photography, explaining why it may not work. He also proposes solutions to these problems, some editing tips, and excellent examples to illustrate his points. Check it out. TAKE A LOOK →​​

As photography enthusiasts, we understand the importance of finding the right lens to complement our Canon DSLR or mirrorless cameras, especially if we’re just starting out. This guide provides insight into selecting the next lens for your Canon camera. TAKE A LOOK →

“Good photography is unpretentious.” - Walker Evans

Monday: Five free guides for fantastic pet photography!

– Jeff