Why Storytelling Is Essential For Photographic Excellence

Plus: Fujifilm Doesn’t Always Win on Spec But It Doesn’t Have to When It Slays In Style & More

"One doesn't stop seeing. One doesn't stop framing. It doesn't turn off and turn on. It's on all the time." - Annie Leibovitz​

Good Day, Photo Friends,

Have a wonderful and safe weekend. Don’t forget to take pictures!

The Hobolite Iris is the company’s latest addition to its lineup of LED lighting equipment. It is small enough to slide into a pocket yet versatile enough to deploy in various ways. The main reason is that it integrates into the broader Hobolite ecosystem, especially because of its compatibility with the existing Hobolite Microlight. TAKE A LOOK →

There is a big disconnect between the loud voices complaining online about the Fuji camera specs and the folks who are buying specific Fujifilm cameras. Why is that? Find out here. TAKE A LOOK →

Beyond someone briefly admiring a pretty picture, there is only one way to captivate the attention of total strangers with your photographs: the art of storytelling. TAKE A LOOK →

The human mind operates in intriguing and unpredictable ways. Standard emotional states include anxiety, panic, tranquility, freedom, and ecstasy. We can see and feel this in this photographer’s images as he goes out into the wilds and puts himself in situations one wouldn’t necessarily think of. However, they all feel a bit like a dream. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Do you remember the old Minolta 70-210mm f4 beer can lens? Nope, me either. But apparently, some of the older Sony brand lenses were pretty desirable. Check it out. TAKE A LOOK →

"The most important thing is not clicking the shutter... it is clicking with the subject." - Annie Leibovitz

Monday: How to use juxtaposition to improve your landscape photos!

– Jeff