This Might Be Under A Photographer’s Christmas Tree
Plus: The APS-C Lens Landscape Has Changed & More
"Award-winning photographs are found where patience and luck meet the smallest of opportunities." - Jim Brandenburg
Greetings Friends,
It’s Friday, and the Christmas season begins next week. Are you ready? Have you made plans? Most importantly, have your camera batteries charged, and your memory cards formatted?
It wasn't long ago that many reviews of APS-C cameras had to come with a warning: no matter how good the body was, you were almost certainly going to be limited by lens selection. But things are changing. TAKE A LOOK →
The award—named for the writer and photographer Eliza Scidmore, the first woman elected to the Society’s Board of Trustees in 1892—recognizes individuals whose work uses immersive storytelling to advance our understanding of humanity's environmental and conservation issues. TAKE A LOOK →
Every aspiring photographer would love to receive this as a gift! TAKE A LOOK →
What do you get when you lay down a full-frame camera and pick up a medium-format one? Let’s find out. TAKE A LOOK →
As a society, we once cherished the “Kodak Moment,” a marketing masterstroke, now quaint since falling victim to — I’ll coin a new word — photobesity, a mind-boggling deluge of desultory snapshots created with such careless frequency that they’ve devolved into yottabytes of digital trash. Yes. This rant is a good one! TAKE A LOOK →
"Winning images are born from suffering; they confront, evoke, and stay with you long after." - Don McCullin
Monday: Depth of field: what it is and how to control it!
– Jeff