Tips, Techniques, And More On This Tuesday

Plus: The Secret To Better Portraits With Longer Lenses & More

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello Photogs,

The holidays are almost here. Are you ready? Have you made some plans on what pictures to take? It is the best time of the year to photograph family and friends. Don’t let it slip by.

This author shares what they’ve learned in publishing photo books – both digital and physical – so if you want to see your name on the cover of a photo book someday, you’ll know exactly what it’ll take. TAKE A LOOK →

Unlike conventional photography – which focuses on capturing crisp and detailed images – impressionist photography challenges us to see the world through a different lens, which is less concerned with sharpness and more with the emotional and visual impact. Impressionist photos aren’t just about what is directly in front of the camera but about the story you choose to tell through colors, shapes, and even blur. TAKE A LOOK →

Do you know why, in the movie business, they call out, “Lights! Camera! Action?” That’s when everything starts moving and creates interest. Action Cards were created around that concept. They are designed to get you, the photographer, moving and taking pictures. It’s a very cool concept and a lot of fun. Check it out. TAKE A LOOK →

It’s undeniable that in the past decade, wider-angle lenses have become a favorite of many photographers for portraits. But as those lenses have technologically become better, so too have the longer lenses. And let’s be honest here — photographers love beautiful bokeh provided by fast, longer lenses. Mixed with the actual excellent subject matter, better portraits can be made by shooting wide open to get the maximum bokeh and separate the subject from the background. TAKE A LOOK →​​

From the author- once you’ve used my tutorial to make yourself a handy bokeh modifier, it’s time to start shooting. To get started, you must cover the lens with the modifier, position your subject in front of some twinkly lights, focus, and shoot. Here are some tips to start your experimentation. TAKE A LOOK →

“A good photographer must love life more than they love photography.” – Joel Strasser

Tomorrow: The best photography gifts by budget (2023).

– Jeff