Today We Examine Photo Gear

Plus: How To Clean A Tripod & More

“I have ideas. I always go out with an idea, but it isn’t a big deal. It isn’t as if I’m going to save the world. Maybe I want to get down low and tilt the front lens up a bit; perhaps it’s only that much. – Garry Winogrand

Howdy Photography Friends!

Taking a photograph is as tricky as finding a particularly frisky cat in a dark room. Taking a great photograph is as chancy as trying to catch an energetic cat in a black room without a cat. What’s important to me is the idea. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But we should always strive for a deep sense of visual communication. Let’s get to it!

Owning a tripod often represents a significant investment, and we’ll show you the best method for keeping it free from dirt and wear with this step-by-step guide on how to clean a tripod. TAKE A LOOK →

Why don’t you take a photo adventure via a ride on the rails? Train travel is often overlooked. Why should you take the train for your next photo safari? It’s cheap, relaxing, scenic, and environmentally friendly. Find out some of the best routes in the United States right here. TAKE A LOOK →

If your latest photographic efforts feel less than stellar, you will appreciate the kick in the creative butt you will get right here. Check it out. TAKE A LOOK →

The neutral density (ND) filter is one of those tools that should be in almost every photographer’s camera bag. However, ND filters are mysterious to some, and many folks just don’t understand how, where, and when to use them. Beyond that, manufacturers seem to vary in their preferences regarding naming ND filters—adding to the confusion. In this article, you will navigate the world of the ND filter. TAKE A LOOK →​​

Buying an action camera a few years ago was a relatively straightforward process – find out which GoPro was the latest version, compare that to the previous version, and click purchase. However, in recent years, GoPro has finally been met with some competition in the market, and the selection process has been far more confusing. TAKE A LOOK →

“I have failed so much that I now stand on failure itself. It has become my workplace and where I harvest my best ideas. – Vik Muniz

Tomorrow: Understanding the depth-of-field scale on manual camera lenses.

– Jeff