Unleash Your Potential

Plus: Create A Photo Summary In Lightroom Classic Export & More

“Most of my images are grounded in people. I look for the unguarded moment, the essential soul peeking out, experience etched on a person’s face." – Steve McCurry

Hola Photogs,

Building creativity is about breaking boundaries and embracing curiosity. It involves exploring diverse experiences, seeking inspiration from various sources, and challenging assumptions to foster a mindset of continuous growth and discovery. Let’s get to it!

Photographing architecture is an intricate dance between man-made structures and the art of capturing them through the lens. Architecture is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a testament to human creativity, ambition, and resilience. TAKE A LOOK →

This photographer spent 2 weeks exploring the remote mountains of Afghanistan on a backpacking trip. It's not your typical vacation destination but one of his favorite travel experiences. Here’s a glimpse at the beauty of Afghanistan. TAKE A LOOK →

When you crave knowledge and you don’t like wasting time, this is your link! TAKE A LOOK →

Is it possible to create a version of the results from the excellent “Photo Summary” app but using Lightroom Classic since that app is only available on iOS and Android? The answer is yes. Click here to find out how. TAKE A LOOK →​​

The journey from camera to print involves many critical decisions, including one of the most essential yet often overlooked steps: proof printing. This step in the workflow allows photographers to preview, assess, and adjust their work before committing to the final print. TAKE A LOOK →

“In a world of ubiquitous images, photography is about visual attention, not just visual representation." – Susan Sontag

Tomorrow: This macro HDR of glitter and liquid is cosmically wonderful.

– Jeff


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