Upgrade Your Gear To Advance Your Photography

Plus: Finding Joy In Still Life Photography & More

“Photography is a very subtle thing. You must let the camera take you by the hand, as it were, and lead you into your subject.” - Margaret Bourke-White

Hello Photo Friends,

I have some exciting links for you today. Hopefully, you will learn something, laugh out loud, and be inspired.

Let’s face it: sometimes, upgrading your gear is the quickest way to advance your photography. TAKE A LOOK →

This video of cuteness overload has gone viral, and people can’t seem to get enough. TAKE A LOOK →

Embrace the tranquil world of still-life photography. This art form invites you to slow down and find joy in the meticulous arrangement of inanimate subjects. TAKE A LOOK →

There’s no process simpler than setting a camera to your preferred black-and-white mode and running wild with straight-of-the-camera JPEG files. But not all black-and-white picture profiles are equal, so which is the best? TAKE A LOOK →​​

Photographer Daido Moriyama has a fantastic trick that more photographers should truly get behind. What is it? Find out here. TAKE A LOOK →

“Probably one of the worst things to happen to photography is that cameras have viewfinders.” – John Baldessari

Tomorrow: A quick trick for sharpening women’s or children’s skin.

– Jeff


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Upgrade Your Gear To Advance Your Photography