When You’re Ready To Move Past Available Light Only

Plus: Using Negative Space For A High-Impact Subject Composition & More

“The best pictures are uninvited; they’re suddenly there in front of you, waiting to be taken." – Steve McCurry

Greetings Photographers,

When discussing the art of photography with newer photographers, I always mention timing and readiness. Many photographers do not seem to give this developed skill its full due. How are you with your timing and readiness? Could you improve it with practice?

Discover the best lenses for night photography, designed to enhance low-light performance and capture stunning images in the dark. TAKE A LOOK →

The 2024 One Shot Black & White Photography Awards showcased breathtaking landscape photography that captured the essence of nature in monochrome. TAKE A LOOK →

When you’re ready to move past merely accepting the light given to you and want to sculpt subjects with lighting like a pro, this link is for you! TAKE A LOOK →

Photographer Abhijit Mishra has captivated audiences worldwide with his stunning bird photography! TAKE A LOOK →​​

Negative space is the art of using the empty areas around your subject to emphasize its importance and deliver powerful visual messages. By effectively using negative space, photographers can create minimalist compositions that captivate viewers with their elegance and simplicity. Here’s a guide to understanding and using negative space like a pro. TAKE A LOOK →

"Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera." – Henri Cartier-Bresson

Tomorrow: Is your landscape photography boring? Try this!

– Jeff